Rave 3.0 Chemlight Keeper Multicam
Made to give you a consistant chem light release everytime. The square designed Link allows you to retrieve a chem light from anywhere on the bundle . The link is "reloadable" and is made from Marine Grade 316 Stainless Steel so you never need to worry about it breaking. We've also added a non removeable eleastic silencer around the link to cut down on noise as well as reduce any potential snag hazards.
Designed to be used with 1.75 width 2 pc gun belts, The included D-ring acts as a mount to stow gloves which frees up valuable space on your belt.
More information can be found on our You Tube Channel
Belt fitment
Secures with one wrap. This means if you are running a traditional style 2pc belt the one wrap will help in keeping contact between inner and outer belt. The Rave 3.0 can also be used on normal belts.
more info
Some brand chems may need to be opened up a little to fit the link, we've hear back from some users that if it's a tight fit they will take a knife and shave a little out of the chemlight mounting hole.